Christmas Tree Farm for Self-Cutters
E-Team (Franziska Lamprecht, Hajoe Moderegger, Daniel Seiple)
Performance / Outdoor sculpture
Socrates Sculpture Park, Queens, NY
September 2001 - April 2002
In August, we plant sixty-four Douglas Fir Christmas trees in a perfect grid at Socrates Sculpture Park. Each tree is roughly 2-meters tall and 14-years old. Toward the end of November, we erect a billboard, post flyers around town and send out emails advertising the chance to cut your own Christmas tree for $20. The farm opens for business on December 1st. From 10 AM – 4 PM on weekends, we supply saws and assist customers in picking out a perfect tree. Hot apple cider is offered to keep warm and create a country experience. After a customer cuts a tree, we shake out the loose needles and bundle it with strong. Self-cutters come from as far away as New Jersey and as close as a block away in Queens. All the trees are cut by December 23rd leaving a perfect grid of stumps until the exhibition’s close.
August 2001, measuring plot
September 2001, digging holes in hard ground on what was formerly a landfill of concrete.
One-day later, trees arrive
December 2001, tree farm opens for business.

Cutting a tree

Wrapping a tree
Cutting another tree
December 23rd, 2001
One of our trees decorated